ok, so my two daughters are skinny bitches. and they are gorgous too. it seems like just yesterday they were both scrawny little tomboys, and i was the skinny gorgous one. What the...?anyway, i like to tie my new found soft and squishy roundness to the announcement that my oldest, sarah was expecting her first baby. i dont know how it happened, but i woke up one morning with huge boobs and a big ass. (yeah, overnight, just like that!!)
of course, she would tell you it is my wine habbit. whatever... now, sarah has never really been a fan of meat and prefers organic foods, and rebecca, her sister has recently began the move toward organic foods as well. i think its fun to be a joiner, so i jumped on the bandwagon too, and even started going green!! its kinda intoxicating to get involved, and i was getting along pretty well, when WHAM!! sarah says she is a vegan, and becca...nearly a vegetarian, and that i should read this awesome new book called "skinny bitch" that makes it all make sense.
wait a minute... i had no intention of getting carried away!! i just thought using reusable cloth bags instead of plastic ones, refilling my same water bottle rather than buying a new one every day was cool, and easy enough. im all for buying fresh produce from the little tiny farm down the street. i kinda like those rad little swirly shaped lightbulbs...i am doing my part! but dont ask me to give up MY cheese...never gonna happen!!
and then it happened...right in the middle of a nice peice of string cheese, sarah drops a mind bomb...chapter 5, the dairy disaster. cheese? please. i gagged on the bite in my mouth, the rest went into the garbage disposal...
i'm not ready to label myself yet, but its been 6 days, and i can feel a difference in my clothes, not to mention my energy level!! my boyz arent on board yet, but as i get closer to regaining my skinny bitch status, i bet they will start to get curious.
Twitter Updates
Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
cool antique map...
this is a really cool map of where i am presently mind traveling. if i close my eyes, i can feel the tuscan sun on my face, and smell the wysteria blossoms drift by in the breeze...its the perfect time of year to take a nice glass of red wine out into the garden in the evening and listen to the birds sing. what an incredible place... my garden!

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