so i live in utah, and because i am am a gypsy, born to gypsies, i can be happy anywhere....for a certain amount of time. so life keeps me moving onward, and for now, i find myself in utah, for the second time in my life. how did i get here? again? well, theres the story we tell everyone, and the REAL story. the real story has alot to do with it being my turn to finally find true love and the safety, sanity and happiness that being with someone who is actually good, and sweet, and emotionally available, and not afraid to commit, and,oh yes, be FAITHFUL!! but, as with every happily ever after story, theres always something silly to still complain about. for me, its this goofy language that these crazy "utahens" all speak. seriously, i keep joking that i am going to write a book, but, i dont think i can wait til i have time to do that, so i decided to try a little of it out on any of you who read my blog. here goes....
the format i will use is this: the utah pronunciation, the actual word, then i will use it in a sentance. this should be fun...
pell ell - pale ale " i like this pell ell better than corona.
hunnert -hundred " i told you a hunnert times, NO!!"
cumferble -comfortable " these shoes are so cumferble!!"
sell -sale "i am having a yard sell tomorrow."
dill- deal "i got a great dill on these shoes!!"
mouw-en - mountain "the mouw-en is on fire!!"
wount- wouldn't " i wount have worn that to a wedding!!"
lay-en - Layton " i live in lay-en"
tore- tour " we are going on a tore of Alaska!!"
shore -sure " i'm not shore if i can go with you."
thishear -this year " i am going to Hawaii thishear."
lashear -last year " this is my lashear of school!!"
ok, enough cappin on these crazy "utahens"...but you see what i mean, right?? its hard to translate and listen to what they are trying to say at the same time...someone please just slap me if i ever start to talk like them!! oh my heck!!